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Number of bibliographic records
Explanatory notes
SE (serials)
2 468  
Retrospective: 1808- (18 documents/19th century)
MP (cartographic documents)
52 047  
Retrospective: 1510-
ER (electronic resources)
9 051  
Retrospective: 1990-
BK (monographs)
51 657  
Retrospective: 1795- 
DS (theses)
10 468  
Retrospective: 1896-
AN (articles and book chapters
from the UK dtb and from the NK dtb)
109 305  
Retrospective: 1886-
 GP (graphics) 2  439   Retrospective: 1572-
 VM (audiovisual documents) 46    Retrospective: 1994-
 RP (manuscripts) 102    Retrospective: 1600-
 GL (grey literature) 135    
In total
237 718 bbg. records
 (January 2, 2025)
  Total number
Number of digital objects (.doc, .jpg, .pdf) 10 555
Number of valid URL linked to bibliographic records  externally (DTL + SIS):

35 997


NK = National Library of the Czech Republic

UK = Charles University


 Statistics Archive